Case study: Stop Predatory Practices - Teaching module
Predatory journals, publishers, and conferences are a pressing problem for the academic community. Predatory practices can manifest in poor quality or incredibly fast peer review, imitation of reputable publishers, falsification of editorial boards, constant spamming, the inclusion of false or fabricated citation indicators, and much more. Initiative Stop Predatory Practices aims to raise awareness of predatory practices across the research community. Our initiative had three objectives-to open a discussion about predatory practices in the Czech Republic, to create an open teaching module, and to raise awareness about predatory practices using educational videos on TikTok and Instagram. The initiative targets master's students, Ph.D. students, and junior and senior researchers. In this case study, we describe the motives for the creation of our initiative, the approach we followed in developing the open teaching module, the challenges we faced, and the initiative's plans for the future. We hope that this case study will become an inspiration for anyone planning to create a similar initiative or just an open teaching module.
Tools against predators? Transparency, education, and the courage to speak up courage to speak up
The existence and growth of predatory practices damage the reputation of open science and jeopardizes the idea of science transparency as a whole. This article introduces the tools against predators developed as part of the Stop Predatory Practices project. The project was divided into three phases. In the first phase, an analysis of the current situation in the Czech Republic was carried out. We organised an open discussion, during which participants from the scientists, librarians and other parts of the academic community talked about the systemic problems, misunderstandings and obstacles they face in the area of predatory practices. Based on the issues identified in the discussion, the current state of art and our expertise, we created our primary tool: a freely available teaching module with practical exercises and methodological materials. It is a ready-to-use module not only for the lecturers teaching about predatory practices but also for everyone who wants to know more about this topic. The presented article also describes the course of the media campaign that took place within the project. We successfully engaged high school students to help us with the new media campaigns to reach beyond the traditional scientific channels. Our promotion campaign included mailing lists, Instagram, and TikTok.
Stop predátorským praktikám (in czech only)
Nekvalitní a rychlé recenzní řízení, rozesílání spamových emailů s pozvánkami k publikování, uvádění nepravdivých a vymyšlených citačních ukazatelů, či napodobování a kradení identit renomovaných časopisů – to je jen malá část predátorských praktik se kterými se můžeme setkat. Predátorské časopisy, vydavatelé a konference jsou palčivým problémem celé akademické obce. Iniciativa Stop Predatory Practices bojuje proti těmto nekalým praktikám pomocí volně dostupného výukového modulu.
Stop Predatory Practices: Report from the discussion in the Czech Republic
Presented report is part of the project Stop predatory practices. The report summarises the discussion over predatory practices from the perspective of key stakeholders in the Czech Republic. Goal of the discussion was to identify the needs of the scientific community in order to help shape a teaching module on predatory academic practices - for more please visit website Stop predatory practices.