Written about us

IAP grant programme for raising awareness  and understanding of predatory journals and conferences

IAP mentioned us on the website summarizing the Combatting Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences project, which gave rise to our initiative. IAP has supported a total of 6 projects from academies across the world.

Read more about that project here.

vědavýzkum.cz - Nová iniciativa šíří osvětu o predátorském publikování (in Czech Only)

The portal VědaVýzkum.cz published an interview with Tereza about the establishment of the Stop Predatory Practices initiative. 

The full article is available here.

Živá univerzita čzu O iNICIATIVĚ sTOP pREDATORY pRACITCES (in Czech Only)

The online magazine of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Živá univerzita, published an article about our initiative (adapted from VědaVýzkum.cz).

The full article is available here.